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マイクロ バブルシャワーヘッド ピュアブルII メタル×ダークグレー
Shower Head with "pyuaburu II"_br/_ maikurobaburusyawa-・metaru x Dark Gray_br/_ Micro bubbles for health skin beauty_br/_ Eco Friendly Micro Bubbles so for anyone from babies sensitive skin, even your pet can feel you can use in the shower head_br/_ ■ Micro Bubble and is_br/_ Bubble diameter is 10 microns * Small Bubbles on the right. Micro Bubble levitation speed is slow, difficult to store your bubbles combine occur, the floating objects to the suction of water resistant, such as ordinary mil increments bubbles and may vary from the amazing qualities._br/_ Nowadays, Micro Bubble is its properties, so get ready to use in various areas in the United States._br/_ ■ Good water-saving effect_br/_ In addition to and make your own micro bubble technology allows water flow by approximately 40% water saving effect feel 物足rina not included._br/_ ■ cartridge replacement is required_br/_ Cartridge replacement is required so you can remain permanently to use it is very economical._br/_ ■ You can trust made in Japan_br/_ pyuaburu II is made in Japan._br/_ ■ About the micro bubble_br/_ Number of bubbles per minute 7000 million pcs_br/_ Arise to a minimum water pressure 0.3 kgfcm2_br/_ Slight Fade aura Jet System (ejekuta- method)_br/_ ■ During Use, The Sound of the air intake to about the sound you hear a slight_br/_ ■ The material_br/_ Pearl Pink/Ivory, Pearl White Body x raitogure-・siruba-gure- x Dark Grey ABS resin x Dark Grey Metal Body ABS plastic chrome plated polished finish_br/_ ■ Weight: G_br/_ 121g-n_br/_ ■ Weight: G_br/_ Made in Japan
- 商品価格:22,403円
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